Kids are down! WHEW! Now…. The question… Nap, work, surf the web? Return my mountain of emails? Be efficient? Give myself some “me time”? But what the hell is me time? Me time for me sometimes is guilty mind race time. So what’s the best use of my time while the kiddos are asleep? I desperately want a nap. Oh, nappy nap nap nap. You elude me. But it’s a total waste if (when) my dreams get interrupted by a “mawwwwwwmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” so I give up on a nap before I even start. And the computer beckons me. Like a glowing bar sign to an alcoholic, the computer temps me. And I get sucked in with it’s beautiful Pinterest crack pipe. Remember when all we had was encyclopedias??? The simple life. But back then it was the t.v. that sucked my brain. And the Smurfs.
I think my PVD is setting in. Post Vacation Depression. It’s a real thing, it’s in the urban dictionary, so it’s real. Just like vojo! Ace and I just got back from Austin City Limits music festival. We escaped for the weekend and stayed with some friends and saw DEPECHE MODE! OMG! Hello high school! And we partied. And rode bikes! And boy did we ride some bikes. Uphill. After a day of drinking. I thought I was going to die. I actually let out one of those almost fake-sounding cries, like “umphuh” it’s like a cry and a “ugh” at the same time. I thought I was really going to cry for a second and then I thought “what am I doing, I can ride this hill damn it” which lasted for about a minute and then whiny self was back. Ace was all, “you can do it!” and I’m all “shut up, don’t talk to me.” For a second I thought… how can I pin this bike ride on him, as all his fault. And then I reached a downhill and thought “oh glorious downhill how I love thee. Oh look how cute we are riding bikes home from a music festival.” And then another uphill and my eyes started to cross. F-it. I’m walking.
The music festival was great. Made me want to move there. Or get really motivated to take some of my projects to the next level – ugh more for my plate. Speaking of plate… if I had a plate representing all my “stuff”, some of it would be tumbling to the floor right now. And it did. I made a big mistake this month at work which was brought to my attention today. It cost me about $1700, which hurts. I texted Ace about it in a bid for some sympathy but I know that he’s thinking the same thing I’m thinking… Ouch and UGH! I see in my future a day when a $1700 mistake is like brushing crumbs from my pants. Oh, fiddle dee dee $1700. I laugh at you! I need to sell more. I need to hire some more people. I need to create self-sufficiency in my business. I need to create systems – systems of checks and balances. I need a nap.
Nevermind. Kids are up.